Nature - community
Villány’s reputation and international success are yielded equally by its natural values and the strength of the community. Walking through its towns and vineyards the upkeep of the natural and built environment, and the fascinating, yet orderly grape yards all please the eye.
We must mention the unprecedented co-operation that has characterised Villány in the past 25 years. In Hungary Villány was the first area that introduced Protected Designation and strict regulations for viniculture, introduced the first Wine Route as well as many other programs, and created a new type of wine, Villány Franc.

Mediterranean climate - sunshine - limestone
Apart from its cohesive community, the Villány Wine Region is famous for its outstanding natural properties: the warmth of the slopes protected many-sidedly is enhanced by the warm air from the Mediterranean creating a submediterranean microclimate, which is unique in Hungary. Due to this, the area is characterized by warm, dry climate in summer and a relatively long growing season.
The amount of the average sunshine is the highest in the country with 2050-2100 hours. The average temperature of the growing season is 17.5 ̊C. The annual average rainfall reaches 650-700 mm, of which 390-400 mm falls in the growing season.
The main soil components of the Villány Wine Region are dolomite, marl, Cretaceous limestone, loess cover with clay, in some places with sand content. One of the most distinctive features of the area is the presence of the geothermal energy: here the earth heat rises by 10 ̊C every 10-12 meters downwards, differently from the average 10 ̊C/33 meters.